Entrevista en Disseny CV.
Estudio Agraph en Las Naves. Valencia
Date: 14.05.2015
Type: Publication
Visualizing and drawing architecture, Estudio Agraph, led by Patricia García and Daniel López, collaborates on projects nationally and internationally. This evening, they share their experience at the Behance Portfolio Reviews at Las Naves.
DissenyCV: How do you evaluate the organization of these Reviews?
Agraph: Very positively. We highlight the interesting hybrid format (presentations, tables, networking) and the various settings that facilitate debate and interaction. It’s our first time attending, so we’re eager. Actions like these energize and build community.
DissenyCV: What do you think is their objective?
Agraph: To consolidate connections, it’s a way to transcend the virtual and meet the people behind a profile or a specific work online. We see an opportunity for interesting future synergies among attendees. As important as being part of the global network is being part of a physical network with nearby professionals; the nuances and real focus of many creative works need the physical to be fully understood.
DissenyCV: How do you see the current design landscape in the Valencian Community?
Agraph: Our field is so specialized that we can’t provide a comprehensive answer, but regarding architecture, where we operate, despite being a challenging profession locally, there is significant international recognition. We know many studios that didn’t find space locally and are making a strong impact elsewhere. In Valencia, there are interesting collective movements for urban participation, coherent works, and professionals swimming against the tide, but undoubtedly, for now, Valencia is a challenging city.
DissenyCV: At what point in your professional careers are you?
Agraph: Despite the extremities of our work in terms of deadlines, pressures, etc., we have found a certain balance. We feel fortunate and truly proud that great professionals inside and outside our borders, both in architecture and academia, want to collaborate with us or are interested in our methodology and our approach to architectural visualization. We have the opportunity to bring practice to teaching, something that doesn’t often fit into the system and is essential in education that truly aims to train professionals of their time capable of assimilating changes in the field of representation.
DissenyCV: What is Behance for you?
Agraph: For us, it’s an endless source of inspiration and motivation, and also a way to stay in touch with our former students (we advocate Behance a lot!)… We believe the key is not so much exposing architecture on Behance as architects immersing themselves and allowing themselves to be influenced by what happens there.
DissenyCV (Disseny Comunitat Valenciana) is a digital magazine created by Eina Cultural, a firm led by Paco Ballester (journalist and TV scriptwriter, content editor) and Tomás Gorria (journalist, editorial designer, and responsible for web design) with the purpose of promoting and disseminating design, in its various fields, done by professionals and companies based in the Valencian Community.
Thanks also to 100Grados Fanzine, OFN blog, and ADCV.
Visualizar y dibujar la arquitectura. Estudio Agraph, formado por Patricia García y Daniel López, colabora en proyectos a escala nacional e internacional. Esta tarde compartirán su experiencia en las Behance Portfolio Reviews de Las Naves.
DissenyCV: ¿Cómo valoras la organización de estas Reviews?
Agraph: Muy positivamente. Destacamos lo interesante del formato donde la fórmula híbrida (ponencias, mesas, networking) y los distintos escenarios facilita el debate y el acercamiento. Es la primera vez que podremos asistir por lo que estamos expectantes. Acciones así dinamizan y crean ciudad.
DissenyCV: ¿Cuál crees que es su objetivo?
Agraph: Consolidar vínculos, es una forma de traspasar lo virtual y conocer a las personas que hay detrás de un perfil o de un trabajo determinado en la red. Vemos una oportunidad para que se generen interesantes sinergias futuras entre los asistentes. Tan importante como estar en la red global lo es formar parte de una red física con profesionales cercanos; los matices y el enfoque real de muchos trabajos creativos necesitan de lo físico para ser comprendidos en toda su dimensión.
DissenyCV: ¿Cómo ves el panorama actual del diseño en la Comunidad Valenciana?
Agraph: Nuestro campo está tan especializado que no podemos dar una respuesta global fundamentada, pero en lo que respecta a la arquitectura, que es el campo en el que nos movemos, aún siendo una profesión muy castigada en lo local hay un gran reconocimiento a nivel internacional. Conocemos muchos casos de estudios que no tenían espacio en nuestra comunidad/país y que se están abriendo paso con fuerza en otras partes del mundo. En Valencia hay interesantes movimientos colectivos de participación urbana, obras coherentes y profesionales que intentan nadar contracorriente pero sin duda, por el momento, Valencia es una ciudad hostil.
DissenyCV: ¿En qué momento profesional os encontráis?
Agraph: Pese a lo extremo que es a veces nuestro trabajo, en cuanto a plazos, presiones, etc. sí que hemos conseguido encontrar cierto equilibrio. Nos sentimos afortunados y realmente orgullosos de que grandes profesionales dentro y fuera de nuestras fronteras tanto en el campo de la arquitectura como en lo académico quieran colaborar con nosotros o se interesen por nuestra metodología y nuestra forma de entender la visualización arquitectónica. Tenemos la oportunidad de llevar la praxis a la docencia, algo que no suele tener cabida en el sistema y que nos parece primordial en una enseñanza que realmente quiere formar profesionales de su tiempo capaces de asimilar los cambios que se producen en el terreno de la representación.
DissenyCV: ¿Qué es Behance para vosotros?
Agraph: Para nosotros es por un lado una fuente inagotable de inspiración y motivación y por otro una forma de mantener el contacto con nuestros exalumnos (hacemos mucha apología de Behance!)… Creemos que la clave no es tanto que la arquitectura se exponga en Behance como que los arquitectos se empapen y se dejen contaminar por lo que allí sucede.
DissenyCV (Disseny Comunitat Valenciana) es una revista digital creada por Eina Cultural, firma integrada por Paco Ballester (periodista y guionista de TV, editor de contenidos) y Tomás Gorria (periodista, diseñador editorial y responsable de diseño web) con el propósito de promocionar y difundir el diseño, en sus distintos ámbitos, realizado por profesionales y empresas radicados en la Comunidad Valenciana.
Gracias también a 100Grados Fanzine, OFN blog yADCV
Visualizing and drawing architecture, Estudio Agraph, led by Patricia García and Daniel López, collaborates on projects nationally and internationally. This evening, they share their experience at the Behance Portfolio Reviews at Las Naves.
DissenyCV: How do you evaluate the organization of these Reviews?
Agraph: Very positively. We highlight the interesting hybrid format (presentations, tables, networking) and the various settings that facilitate debate and interaction. It’s our first time attending, so we’re eager. Actions like these energize and build community.
DissenyCV: What do you think is their objective?
Agraph: To consolidate connections, it’s a way to transcend the virtual and meet the people behind a profile or a specific work online. We see an opportunity for interesting future synergies among attendees. As important as being part of the global network is being part of a physical network with nearby professionals; the nuances and real focus of many creative works need the physical to be fully understood.
DissenyCV: How do you see the current design landscape in the Valencian Community?
Agraph: Our field is so specialized that we can’t provide a comprehensive answer, but regarding architecture, where we operate, despite being a challenging profession locally, there is significant international recognition. We know many studios that didn’t find space locally and are making a strong impact elsewhere. In Valencia, there are interesting collective movements for urban participation, coherent works, and professionals swimming against the tide, but undoubtedly, for now, Valencia is a challenging city.
DissenyCV: At what point in your professional careers are you?
Agraph: Despite the extremities of our work in terms of deadlines, pressures, etc., we have found a certain balance. We feel fortunate and truly proud that great professionals inside and outside our borders, both in architecture and academia, want to collaborate with us or are interested in our methodology and our approach to architectural visualization. We have the opportunity to bring practice to teaching, something that doesn’t often fit into the system and is essential in education that truly aims to train professionals of their time capable of assimilating changes in the field of representation.
DissenyCV: What is Behance for you?
Agraph: For us, it’s an endless source of inspiration and motivation, and also a way to stay in touch with our former students (we advocate Behance a lot!)… We believe the key is not so much exposing architecture on Behance as architects immersing themselves and allowing themselves to be influenced by what happens there.
DissenyCV (Disseny Comunitat Valenciana) is a digital magazine created by Eina Cultural, a firm led by Paco Ballester (journalist and TV scriptwriter, content editor) and Tomás Gorria (journalist, editorial designer, and responsible for web design) with the purpose of promoting and disseminating design, in its various fields, done by professionals and companies based in the Valencian Community.
Thanks also to 100Grados Fanzine, OFN blog, and ADCV.
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